All blog content, including designs, text, and photographs are COPYRIGHT © Janette Olen. Everything posted here is shared for your personal inspiration and enjoyment only and may not be used for publication or for design team submissions. Thanks so much for stopping by!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Blog Candy!!!!

Well, much to my surprise I have hit 1000 posts already and it has only been like 2 weeks. So in celebration I have some blog candy to offer. I did not take a picture but the lucky winner will receive a goodie package including some unmounted stamps, ribbon, embellishment variety, a variety of images, a handmade card by me, and a sweet treat (might be chocolate or maybe not depending on winner's location etc. cuz we don't want it to melt LOL!) I will draw the winner out of a hat (most likely my dd) because I have no idea of how those random integer things work. The winner will be picked next Friday June 6th so you have until 11:59PM on Thursday June 5th to enter. You can enter once daily by leaving me a comment on any of my posts including today's. I would love to know what your favorite stamp company is so be sure to include that in one of your posts. Good luck to you all and thanks for supporting me in my new endeavor here.

Happy Friday


StampinCathy said...

WOW how cool is that 1,000 hits in 2 weeks. I would say you ROCK! Count me in on this mystery candy. I just know it will be FUN was it shows up in that lucky stampers mailbox. I really like your creative style and your very inspiring. Thanks for a chance.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 1000 posts!! Thanks for the chance to win some fun blog candy.
Linda Peterson

Katie said...

Congrats! Thanks for the chance to win! My favorite stamps....umm..that's tough. Let me think and I'll get back to you soon.

sandyh50 said...

That's great Janette on all your hits! I would love the chance to win your blog candy!

Kerry said...

Congrats on such an incredible # of hits in such a short time! That's awesome!!

Kerry Morgan

csroyal said...

That's a lot of hits quick! I honestly couldn't choose a favorite stamp company. I've collected a lot of SU! and TAC, but can't honestly say I've used them. I reach for Gina K stamps a lot and I do love Penny Black!

Linda w said...

Congratulations on hitting the 1000 hit mark so fast. I love mystery blog candy so I'm in please.


Swedie said...

That's great that you are doing so well. Hope you continue to have fun with your blog. Thanks for the chance to win.


Annelies said...

Congratulations on the hits!
My initial favorite company was 'Magnolia'. As a starting stamper I didn't know many other companies. But now I find it very hard to choose one favorite. I like so many stamps and I want them all!
Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Stampin Cats said...

I didn't know you started a blog. Great job. So much easier to see all the great stuff you create. Thaks so muc for sharing. I'm sure once the rest of the PIF group finds out, that counter will go up much faster.

Scott Franson Photography said...

You have a wonderful blog! I love Papertrey Ink stamps.

kim3timemom said...

Congrats on the hits!! Hummm Ihave so many favorite stamp companies...I guess my fav at the moment would be Su :) Gotta love the variety. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

kim3timemom@yahoo dot com

Sue Strozyk said...

CONGRATS!!!!! on your 1000 hits. This has been my new blog to visit lately. Your work is awesome!!! LOVE IT ALL !! I guess for now I'm really liking High Hopes stamps.

Lori said...

Congrats Janette!! Your work is so beautiful!! My favorites are Papertrey and High Hopes! Thanks for a chance to win!!!

java diva said...

I guess I'm going to have to be biased and say SU! But tough competitors are Inque Boutique (many styles and can't beat the price!) and Impression Obsession(gorgeous!).

Kathy W said...

Congrats on all your blog hits! I really like checking in to see your cards. Hmmm...just one favorite stamp company? Well, right now I am having a lot of fun with Hero Arts stamps, both rubber and clear. Thanks for the chance to win!

Janice M said...

Congrats on 1000 hits!! I LOVE your cards! I guess my favorite stamp company would have to be...Penny Black!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

"The Sassy Divas" said...

Congratulation on hitting 1000 post! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies! I have 2 favorties, Papertrey Ink and Stamping Bella.

Anita said...

Congrats on 1,000 hits! Totally awesome! I have several stamp companies right now: Magnolia stamps; Sugar Nellie stamps; and, Hanglar & Stanglar stamps.

Keep up the great work!

Sheila D said...

Congrats on the hits!! So quick too. No wonder, your blog is great. My favorite stamp company right now is The Cats Pajamas, no wait, it's Papertrey Inc., or maybe it's Rubbernecker but, of course, I'm still loyal to SU. Forget it, I can't choose just one. Thanks for offering some blog candy.

Brenda H. said...

Congrats on all the go girl!! I love fun freebies...and really need some new rubbah! My fave stamp company is Stampin Up! Thanks for this chance to win mystery candy!
~Brenda H.

Regina said...

Congrats on hits!! I found your blog today. You've done an amazing job on your blog.
My favorite stamps are SU.
I love surprise and thank you so much for this chance at this great blog candy!

Maria Matter said...

Hey Janette! Congrats on your 1000 hits, I just celebrated my 1000 hits with candy too! Your blog is great you will probably hit 2000 before you announce your blog candy winner!
One of my favorite stamp companies is "My Favorite Things"!! Thanks for the opportunity to win some candy! God Bless!!

maiahs_momma said...

Love your blog, just found it the other day...will be back for sure :)! Congrats on all your hits :)!


Marie Cramp said...

Ho w cool! I am working my way up to 1000 hits too! Thanks for the opportunity!!
You can just google a random number generator. Then you just plug in the number of posts and click and it will give you a number between the numbers you enter. It is surprisingly easy.

Marie Cramp

JenMarie said...

Congrats on the hits!!!

MindyYoung said...

Congrats on the great achievement! I just love all your cards, but my fav on here is the pink cupcake one. It is soooo cool how you embelished it!!!

Kim said...

Oh Janette - thanks for posting your 'hint' on PIF for us to come looking for candy. Love your blog and I've added it to my Reader! Thanks, Kim stampinscrapnewbie

Flabbernoogles said... are creating wonderful things! Congrats on 1000 hits!

misse336 said...

Not surprised that you have so many hits. Your cards are awesome. My current favorite stamp company (subject to change very frequently) is WS.

Anonymous said...

WOW....that was quick to reach 1000 posts. But then again, you are very talented.

Michelle B. AKA JustPaintingAround said...

Janette - I've seen your creativeness really explode in the last few weeks! Congrats on the 1000 posts! Pick me, pick me. Michelle B in St. Louis

Tami Grandi said...

fun candy! Love your work (of course!)

Michelle B. AKA JustPaintingAround said...

My post for today....I forgot to tell you that my favorites are Stamping Bella & I'm getting into My Favorite Things a lot right now too! Pick me Janette! Michelle